torsdag 29. april 2010

Why help the loggerhead, or any other turtles?

Last year I spent several weeks helping the Archelon, in their work to protect the Loggerhead turtle. Durning my stay I was lucky enough to see turtles twice, one adult in the harbour of Chania and two hatchlings on their struggle to reach the sea.
So a good question is; what made me do this and what makes me go back there once again? First of all I believe that every animal on earth have the right to excist together with us humans here on earth, second the turtles are amasing animals. If you're lucky enogh to see them in their real life, under water, where it seems like they are weightless and navigates so easily all around, you will be lost. I was, I was totally lost and I wanna go back to help them again and again, if I have the chance.
But why do they need help? That answer will come. From one day to another I will unfold many of the mysteries the Loggerhead and why they need the help.

Have a nice time waiting.

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