søndag 2. mai 2010

An endangered group of animals.

Sometimes we can see large amount of turtle youngsters on their way to the sea, like on yesterday's you tube clip, and it seems like there should be no trouble for the turtles. The truth is totally different and among the seven species of the seaturtles, three of them are considered as critically endangered and three of them as endangered, by the IUCN Redlist.

Even if the sea turtles can make quite big clutches of hatchling they face a tough life before getting in to the maturity age. At all it's reckoned that only one out of hundred turtle hatchlings will reach adulthood. The hazards are many already on their way from the nest to the sea.

First of all, they may not even go down towards the sea. The hatchlings move towards the strongest lights. So if the nest is in an area with much human development they risk being attracted to the wrong light, like road lights, from hotels and other human artifical lights.

The hatchlings are also a prey for other animals, foxes, dogs, pigs and more. The sun will eventually make the hatchlings get weaker and even dry out.

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