lørdag 15. mai 2010

The hazard of being a turtle

Being a turtle ain't easy, and the more human activity the harder to be a turtle. There are many hazards for the turtles to meet in their life. Today I have a picture from seaturtle.org. It's showing a turtle captured under a beach chair. I don't know the story behind the picture so I don't know if the turtle is alive or if it has died from it. If a turtle has luck it will survive this incident, if it's not so it may die.

                   The picture is taken by DuBose Griffin on Kiawah Island, SC USA.

In Crete we ask hotels to please stock up sunbeds during nighttime to leave the area open so female turtles can come on land, find a good spot for laying it''s eggs before it returns into the sea. If a turtle encounter a sunbed, beach unbrella, beach chair or other items on the beach, it will often just turn around walk out into the sea without nesting. If this happens two/three times in a row, turtles are also known to just let the eggs loose in the sea.So they are not breeding at that time. Many other things are also troubles for the turtles. More of that later.

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