fredag 14. mai 2010

“Travelling with Sea Turtles in the Mediterranean”

As a part of the international year for biodiversity the MEDASSET and Athens international airport Athens international airport has together put up a photography exhibition. It  is called..; yeah, guess what? Ok since it was so hard I will say it "travelling with sea turtles in the mediterranean". The exhibition is not just about the turtles, but the turtles will be the guides to the flora and fauna of the Mediterranenan. They have just chosen the sea turtle as a flagship species. Btw, is a sea turtle one species? Hm, I was sure it was seven species all together, but I must be wrong.

In the exhibition ( wonder how many times I use that word here? ) we will be guided trough many of the dangers that's are around for the fauna and flora in the Mediterranean. Dangers like pollution, climate change, and several more.

Here are some of the pictures from the exhibition. All of them are from the main photographer of the exhibition, Yiannis Issaris.

As you all can see there are beautiful pictures in this exhibition. So if you're going to the airport in Athens this summer, please take a look at the exhibition and if you can, please support the MEDASSET or other groups working for nature and it's biodiversity. 

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