tirsdag 11. mai 2010

The unbelievable is believable

It has been a few days since the last time I was in here to write. One of those days I got so much turtle-info I never got decided what to write about. Well, now I'm back, ready to write. And what will I write about? Turtles? No, absolutely not. I just have to write about this sensational sighting that occured some days ago.

These days there has been no big sensations concerning the turtles, at least from the news I have got. We need to turn our attention to a much larger vertebrate, in fact one of the largest at all, the Gray whale. It's a baleen whale that can get as big as 15-16 meters long. But it's size does not really matter, not in this context. So maybe I better get to the point and not just write lots of unimportant stuff?

Ok, the Gray whale is one of the most rarest whales and is by the IUCN regarded as endangered. At present there are two populations of the whale, one in the eastern pacific and one in the western pacific. The one in the western pacific is regarded as critically endangered and are now consisting of no more than approx 130 animals, 25-30 of these are supposed to be reproductive females. The eastern pacific population was also regarded as on the brink of extinction but has now gained numbers. And now it's believed to be around 22 000 individuals.

So where is my story going? Hm, I once again just ended up talking about some blah blah blah, so I finally have to come to my point. For a few days ago there was a sighting of one Gray whale in the sea outside Israel, and that's the shocking, very shocking part of the story. As I said there are two populations of Gray whales in the world and both of them live in the Pacific. Can you imagine the long ride, ehh, the long swim this whale must have taken. If I'm modest I must say I'm absolutely chocked, if I'm honest I feel I have to say it's unbelievable. My source is the BBC earth news . Since I consider them as a reliable source, I do in fact also belive in the unbelievable. Hm, this is almost a religous moment for me. Hope it stays in the Mediterranean for the summer and show it's self off it's for us turtler's. Maybe I even won't be looking for turtles in the summer. Just desperately staring out over the sea in hope. A long gone hope, but yet a hope...

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